Day 11: Padron to Santiago de Compostela

Day 11: Padron to Santiago de Compostela

We made it! I wish I could say I did it all with grace, but I didn’t. I still need to work on enduring discomfort with gratitude, especially heat and sun. We started the day early. Eager to reach Santiago. It was still dark and the sun had not risen. The weather was...
Day 10: Villanueva de Arosa to Padron

Day 10: Villanueva de Arosa to Padron

Today was the calm before the storm. While many were awaking on Sunday morning to go to church, Lisa and I prepared for our brisk boat ride down the River (Ria de Arousa Bay) one hour tour that  would bring us along the way the St. James remains traveled before being...
Day 9: Armenteria to Villanueva de Arosa

Day 9: Armenteria to Villanueva de Arosa

Down to the home stretch. Today’s post is not about what we have done, but about starting the day with gratitude and hope. I was quite fearful of walking the Camino without Madeline. What I have come to notice that she was with me all the way. Not a day went by that...
Day 8: Pontevedra to Armenteria

Day 8: Pontevedra to Armenteria

We started the day especially early. We wanted to get a head start before the heat of the sun and we had to be to our destination by 4:30pm. Today we were due to walk up the “small” hill, in Chicagoan terms, a mountain! I will admit I spent most of the first 6 miles...
Day 7: Vigo to Pontevedra

Day 7: Vigo to Pontevedra

Being a Carpenters fan since childhood, I prescribed to the idea that “Rainy days and Mondays always get me down” until today. The last few days our mph were getting less and less. At one point it seemed I was walking a mile per hour. I promised Lisa that I would step...