Day 6: Baiona to Vigo

Day 6: Baiona to Vigo

I planned this trip. Calculating the miles. Scheduling the luggage transport. Booking the hotels. Checking the needed clothes, shoes, toiletries, etc. Notifying everyone. Purchasing a special journal.  Check, check, check… And then we were off – the days...
Day 5: Caminha to Baiona

Day 5: Caminha to Baiona

Goodbye Portugal, hello Spain.   Our day started with an early walk to the port to hire a “taxi” to cross the river from Portugal to Spain. We found out that we could not cross by small boat until we were a party of three, so we waited. A short time later we were...
Day 4: Viana do Castelo to Caminha

Day 4: Viana do Castelo to Caminha

What am amazing day! We decided not to rush to the next place, but take a moment and enjoy the wonderous city of Viana do Costelo. Starting with an elevator/cable car ride up to the Cathedral of Saint Luzia. We enjoyed the peace of the magnificent church until it was...
Day 3: Esposende to Viana do Castelo

Day 3: Esposende to Viana do Castelo

Almost 18 miles today! The terrain was amazing – along the coast, inland up through small villages and then through the forest. Probably my favorite day for scenery. Encountered a few more pilgrims than yesterday. I despise cobblestones. We have found the ones...
Day 2: Vila do Conde to Esposende

Day 2: Vila do Conde to Esposende

Thanks to all of Lisa’s yoga stretches we are able to function in the morning. Our bodies are sore from the long day before. We look forward to another day on the boardwalk, however our journey has a surprise in store for us. About a third of the way of our 16 mile...