The Walking Stick

The Walking Stick

Coordination is not my strong suit. Now I am not talking about coordinating events – that I love and could do with my eyes shut. No I am talking about the ability to dance or walk and chew gum at the same time.  I was born with two left feet – figuratively...
The Bandage

The Bandage

Blisters, wounds, sprains and bruises. Nobody is free from pain on the Camino, especially when you try to avoid the mud. Sooner or later our body pays the price, and we may have to take a slower pace or even stop. Strangely, the Camino wouldn’t be the same...
The Backpack

The Backpack

When I was younger I would attend a Mother’s Day Celebration at my Grandmother’s church. They would play a fun game of “What does your purse weigh?” Whoever’s purse weighed the most was the winner. Year after year my mother would win with...
The Yellow Arrow

The Yellow Arrow

The arrow shows us the Camino path. For 11 days we followed the yellow arrow religiously. Looking for it as a lifeline to the next turn, twist, or any forward momentum. If it weren’t for this, many times we wouldn’t know where to go. Whenever we found it,...
Camino Blues

Camino Blues

Maybe it is the jet lag… maybe it is coming home to no one… maybe it is just event let-down… but life after the Camino has been dreary! I go to asleep at 10pm or 11pm and awake at 4am. I reluctantly unpacked my suitcase. The souvenirs that I spent...