About Maddy

The girl behind the cause.


Madeline Stefania.

Maddy was bubbly and confident, a gifted student and writer. She could light up a room with her smile, and yet under it all masked her pain.

At the age of 11 Maddy was diagnosed with bipolar disorder. It was also the year she first attempted suicide. At 13, Maddy won the Jackie Robinson “Breaking Barriers” essay contest when she wrote about her disorder and two years later at 15, was the “Celebration of Life” speaker for the American Foundation for Suicide Preventions “Out of the Darkness” community walk.

Maddy continued to fight the pain as she and her dad became champions of suicide prevention through their volunteer efforts. She provided hope for those with suicidal thoughts and was notorious for befriending those in need. She felt others’ pain deeply and they would confide in her about their own depression and emotional problems. Many others have also credited Maddy’s strength and inspiration in saving their lives as well.

On October 4th, 2015 at the age of 19, Maddy succumbed to her illness and died by suicide. She is deeply missed by all. Through Remembering Maddy Scholarship Fund, her legacy will continue!

Her Works

Maddy was an award-winning writer and speaker.

These are a few of her creations.

AFSP Survivor Speech

AFSP Survivor Speech

I remember pain - sharp and icy. Like a snake it slithered along the brittle bones of my back, slowly applying pressure, numbing my thoughts. Continuing to seek out my insecurities, making me its victim. Its one and only focus. Emotionally stripping me of my esteem,...

Bullying Speech

Bullying Speech

Recognize, Inform, Start, Ensure.  16 year old girl:  “I guess they do it because they’re trying to help me.  Pointing out my flaws I mean. It’s not like I wouldn’t tell them if their hair was messy and they had food in their teeth... But sometimes I feel it goes too...

Breaking Barrier’s Essay

Breaking Barrier’s Essay

“Daddy, I’m feeling it again…” I whispered through the jet black receiver of the telephone. My sensation of utter reject and darkness hung in the air. I just couldn’t believe that I was dealing with these feelings again. Didn’t I already have enough to handle? “Breath...

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Application and supporting documents due:         

April 30th - Fall Semester