Today was the calm before the storm. While many were awaking on Sunday morning to go to church, Lisa and I prepared for our brisk boat ride down the River (Ria de Arousa Bay) one hour tour that  would bring us along the way the St. James remains traveled before being placed in the tomb in the Catedral de Santiago de Compostela. We would see 12 crosses on the side of the river to represent the 12 apostles.

When we reached Padrón we would go to see the place where St. James preached. I wondered how St. James traveled from Jerusalem to Padrón and then back again. I thought 154 miles was a lot, how many did he travel?

The afternoon was spent washing our clothes at the next door laundromat – a definite treat and a delicious tapas meal of Iberian ham, cheeses, seafood rice, and Padrón peppers, finished with the St. James Torte, almond sponge cake. We went to bed anticipating our early departure for Santiago. Tomorrow would be our last day of being a pilgrim.