We made it! I wish I could say I did it all with grace, but I didn’t. I still need to work on enduring discomfort with gratitude, especially heat and sun.
We started the day early. Eager to reach Santiago. It was still dark and the sun had not risen. The weather was cool, damp and humid. There was an overcast… a good morning to start our last day of the journey. We walked along roads, farms and small vineyards. We had grown accustomed to this path. Up and down small hills. Lisa usually walking 50 yards ahead. I listened to music to past the time. I tried to be in the moment but the anticipation of the last hill and reaching Santiago weighed heavy on my heart. Thinking about the lessons I learned and the book I will finish writing before year’s end. I thought about the vision board I had put together for 2019 and the things I have accomplished and those yet to do.
Done: Graduate from the Life Coach School, start Remembering Maddy Nonprofit, walk the Camino
Next: write a book, pay off all my credit cards, reach my goal weight
God has truly blessed me with so much strength and courage to face the next challenge because in him “I am enough!” Something that has taken me 50 years to discover.
I will admit that as I go to sleep there is a small sadness in my heart, event letdown. We have spent over two years talking about this, planning this. Now I have to fill my days with how I will use what I have learned on this journey!