Thanks to all of Lisa’s yoga stretches we are able to function in the morning. Our bodies are sore from the long day before. We look forward to another day on the boardwalk, however our journey has a surprise in store for us. About a third of the way of our 16 mile day we are diverted off of the boardwalk and on to cobblestone roads through farms and vineyards. There is not much refuge from the sun or uneven terrain. We find some solace in the sand on the side of the road, it is slightly softer than those pesky uneven cobblestone.

Both Lisa and I had read about the cobblestones and how the other pilgrims complained about the meat cleavers below their feet, but only experience could explain how much one longed for the smooth streets and sidewalks of America.

We did not see as many pilgrims walking today. Luckily we had replenished our water supplies before heading inland so we were prepared for the drought of water and WC ahead. 


My lesson for the day, willpower only gets you so far, came to me about two-thirds into the journey when I came upon a church. Upon entering I saw the wooden kneeler and found comfort in kneeling. For me kneeling is right up there with burpees, I don’t enjoy and avoid at all costs. But today I was compelled to confess that I had used my willpower to get thus far but I needed God to carry me on. 

Now this was big for me because after losing Madeline I had put God on shelf. I believed in him. I respected him. I did not have too much active dialog with him. Going to church had become a chore that many times I chose to forsake. I was mad at him for taking Madeline, and yet not me. This was a feeling I needed to explore more…

I will admit my favorite part of the day was when I asked Lisa to check the GPS to our hotel. She thought the time recommendation would say another 3 hours and it only said 54 minutes. All of a sudden my pace increased and I was off…we were going to make it to our destination.

Our night’s accommodations were right off the Camino. Yeah…no extra walking! Hot shower! We finished the evening off with a trip to a supermarket for tomorrow’s supplies and nice dinner in a restaurant next door to our hotel. And off to bed! I fell asleep before even changing my clothes – I was tired!