Almost 18 miles today! The terrain was amazing – along the coast, inland up through small villages and then through the forest. Probably my favorite day for scenery. Encountered a few more pilgrims than yesterday. I despise cobblestones. We have found the ones laid in a straight pattern feel better than on a diagonal. I am slowly taking things out of my day pack and sending them along with luggage – every ounce is starting to make a difference after 12 miles in.

I am slowly learning the importance of limits. I used to think limits were constraining and boxy. Now I see how my thinking was limiting. Lesson of the day: Setting limits is important. 

In a way Lisa and I are trying to do a trip around the world in 11 days.  I am finding my body prefers walking from 9:00am to 3:00pm. After that I am not efficient, I slow down, I start to complain and dread the next 3 hours – losing precious ‘in the moment’ time. Our whole day consists of getting up and getting to the next destination to eat, sleep and repeat. We are not allowing ourselves time to journal, reflect and enjoy. 

The next few days might be met with some taxi or bus rides to give us more free time to experience a richer part of the Camino because limits are not limiting, but thinking can be limiting.