What am amazing day! We decided not to rush to the next place, but take a moment and enjoy the wonderous city of Viana do Costelo. Starting with an elevator/cable car ride up to the Cathedral of Saint Luzia. We enjoyed the peace of the magnificent church until it was infiltrated with three tour buses full of camera-clicking tourists. Next was the view from the towers 154 stairs above.

It was nice to be tourist for a couple of hours before walking to Caminha. The walk was still upon cobblestones winding through small villages. We found refuge in small churches – a place to sit, rest and pray for strength to continue. About 3pm we came upon a small bar in Carreço. We were greeted by a friendly owner asking us our travel plans. We said we had 10 miles to go. He looked at us as if we had said 100 miles. At that moment we realized it was time to discover other modes of transportation. We enjoyed a nice relaxing ride on the train. We had never seen our blue dot on the Buen Camino app go so fast. 

We checked into our hotel before 6:00pm – a new record. Enjoyed dinner with our new American pilgrim friends from Tennessee. I was especially excited because they served potatoes not french fries. Tomorrow we are off to Spain.