I planned this trip. Calculating the miles. Scheduling the luggage transport. Booking the hotels. Checking the needed clothes, shoes, toiletries, etc. Notifying everyone. Purchasing a special journal.  Check, check, check…

And then we were off – the days became walking, eating, sleeping – the idea of the goal to complete the Camino sounded fun but I wasn’t having fun because I was so busy trying to figure everything out. I was not leaving anytime for learning, experiencing and fun. 

Until today – Lisa’s birthday. We threw out the plan. Took a bus to Vigo. Found the only Starbucks in this area and enjoyed a taste of home and fun. Then we toured the city on another bus to our 5 Star hotel, (I don’t think I have stayed in hotel this nice since my wedding night 25 years ago.) and turned our deluxe accommodations into a pilgrim’s palace. We walked on the beach; set foot in the Atlantic; had creme brûlée’s for dinner; and rested. 

Tomorrow we set out for 22 miles. We are ready to march on one step at a time.