Being a Carpenters fan since childhood, I prescribed to the idea that “Rainy days and Mondays always get me down” until today.
The last few days our mph were getting less and less. At one point it seemed I was walking a mile per hour. I promised Lisa that I would step up my stride. Luckily God blessed me with cool weather and overcast helping my spirit.  We were racing through Vigo at 3mph! However, there was not an arrow to be found for the first four miles, we were following our virtual path on our Buen Camino app!  If it was not for our Camino app we would be still wandering through Vigo or enjoying our supreme accommodations.
As the clouds dissipated and the sun shined through we continued our 17 mile trek to Pontevedra. We were among some of nature’s most beautiful surroundings. Yesterday’s time of rest helped us continue the pace even as the day warmed up. The more the sun beat upon us, I missed the rain. Rainy days have become my friend!
Upon reaching Arcade, Lisa proclaimed that if a taxi were to appear she would be game. What an offer! The next thing I remember we were being swept up by our taxi driver and angel, Marco.
He loved practicing his English and we had many questions about what we had been seeing. Lisa noticed them first. The coffin-sized elevated houses in many backyards. They were usually made of stone and adorned with a cross on top. We questioned if the locals buried their dead in the backyard. Marco busted out laughing. He explained that Orreos were storage sheds for the grains and vegetables from the garden. I chimed in about I thought they were the mother-in-law quarters. He was quite surprised the “mother-in-law characteristics” were more global than local. 
We were happy to be at our destination until I saw our “new home” for a night. Going from a 5 star hotel to a 2 star (most presumably 1 star) was quite difficult. It was the first time on the trip that I broke out the black light and thoroughly checked for bedbugs. We didn’t find any but that did not change the heebie jeebies I felt that night. In addition, it was not until days later that Lisa mentioned the mold growing under the desk. Yuck! The hotel was located right in the middle of town meaning the partying on a Thursday night was well heard at 3am.
We had grown tired of the afternoon siestas – kitchens were closed from 4pm to 8pm. We wanted to start at 6:30am before the heat set in the following day to climb as Angel Marco explained “small hill” and then laughed. We were anxious and concerned about what tomorrow would bring. The only restaurants open at 6pm were Burger King and Pizza & Pasta. We opted for Pizza & Pasta. We enjoyed a meal at a reasonable hour! Yeah!