Down to the home stretch. Today’s post is not about what we have done, but about starting the day with gratitude and hope.

I was quite fearful of walking the Camino without Madeline. What I have come to notice that she was with me all the way. Not a day went by that there was not a beautiful butterfly that crossed my path. The peace of knowing the beauty that God had set before us. Everyday was an adventure-boardwalks, cobblestones, hills, forest, sand, garden walls, arrows and even mud. I came to appreciate more the wind, the setting of the sun, cloudy days and melody of listening to sisters sing – angelic music to your ears. I looked forward to churches and wc (bathrooms). I saw my grass is always greener mentality slowly fade as we slowed down and enjoyed the moment for what it was even when cold and muddy.

I have created a list of places I hope to come back to and walk the roads as a tourist to enjoy the countryside once again.

Many say once you walk the Camino, you are hooked. I am not sure I caught the bug. But I am thinking about my next adventure of bicycling through parts of Italy.

Losing Madeline was the most difficult thing I have endured but I truly believe the growth and discovery I have experienced has made me a better person. In many ways I walked as a caterpillar – small and hungry for more, but insecure, needy and feeling inadequate. Then I lost what felt I like everything only to build cocoon, rebuild my life and flourish as an endearing creation, the butterfly. I am still learning to fly but my renewed hope and faith will propel me forward.

Flutter like a butterfly and live life enjoying the adventures along the way.