The course has been set. The plans have been made. I have done my research. I have scheduled what I could. I have my rock, my shell, and my Camino passport. Family and friends have given me advice on my shoes, socks, backpack, strangers, and self-defense. I have written down my questions to ponder as I walk. I cannot forget that every journey is best when setting intentions.

First I must do the following:

  • Leave my ‘self’ at home to include all the busy things I do with all its trappings and hang-ups
  • Spend a moment purging all my appointments, bills to pay, duties, shopping lists, expectations, imagined slights, hurts, worries, sorrows, regrets
  • Stand with my arms open wide and shake them as if to shake off all the stress, responsibilities, baggage and negative energy that follows through me

Now onto setting my intentions:

  • I am not judgmental – of the country, the people, their religion, their history, the food, the hospitality, or the other people on the road.
  • I am respectful – of the people, the paths, the monuments, the churches i.e. I obey the rules of the land – leave nothing but footprints – and respect of the different places I visited. 
  • I am open-minded – in order to receive the gifts of the Camino, of its tradition, of the spirituality of the path. I am like a child with no preconceived ideas of what it should (or should not) be like.
  • I have let go – I can’t control the weather so I enjoy the rain. I can’t control the up-hills or the steep descents, so I enjoy walking in the hills. I can’t control my fellow pilgrims so I accept them as they are. I have let go and just am.
  • I am generous – I share food, water, blister band-aids, and all I can offer.
  • I am kind – to my companions, my hosts, the people and places I meet.
  • I have positive thoughts – because thoughts drive our actions. I thought “I would love to walk the Camino” and now it’s happening!
  • I give thanks – every day, for my good health and resources that have made it possible for the privilege of walking this path and joining an ancient pilgrim stream on the Camino. (Thank you Dave, Patrick and Todd!)
  • I have slowed down – I don’t race through the Camino, be in a hurry to move on to the next place or the next bend in the road. I might never pass this way again.
  • I allow “Big Gigi” to shine! Dulling my light helps no one!
  • I am open to beauty, wisdom, inspiration, opportunity and serving God.
  • I am example of what is possible!

Lastly, I turn the rest over to God! I wonder what he has in store for me!

My path. My journey. My life.

Buen Camino!