When I was younger I would attend a Mother’s Day Celebration at my Grandmother’s church. They would play a fun game of “What does your purse weigh?” Whoever’s purse weighed the most was the winner. Year after year my mother would win with her 18 lb-20 lb purse. I would cringe just thinking how does she carry so much. And believe me the weight was not inflated to win the game, she really carried a purse day after day that weighed that much!

Many of us might not have a 20 lb purse, but also we probably don’t worry much about what we put in our backpack. However, when you walk the Camino all that changes. No matter if you are carrying all of your belongings on your back or just a daypack, you are more in tune with how much everything weighs and how much each things counts.

When I started the Camino, I was carrying two (2) water bottles, a extra pair of shoes, extra underwear (I have no idea why), extra socks, flashlight, blacklight, extra jacket, rain pants, sunglasses, reading glasses, sunscreen, hat, journal and a full first aid kit. As the days went on I started to recognize how many things I could do without. By the end of the fourth day, I didn’t care if it rained, I didn’t need an extra jacket, my current underwear was fine, I didn’t need a black light in daylight, I only carried one water bottle and refilled it along the way and we scaled back on all the first aid supplies.  

On the Camino of life we all carry a backpack. Sometimes we add things, then we have to carry it, and finally reach the point that it is too much to carry. For some it might be possessions, others might carry too much responsibility, guilt, shame, secrets, or maybe it is a loved one that you carry. I know for me, I needed to lighten my load. I was carrying my addiction of perfectionism and control. I need to turn more over to God and let go … maybe even play in the mud a little more. 🙂

What can you take out of your backpack today to make your trip lighter?