The arrow shows us the Camino path. For 11 days we followed the yellow arrow religiously. Looking for it as a lifeline to the next turn, twist, or any forward momentum. If it weren’t for this, many times we wouldn’t know where to go. Whenever we found it, we were reassured that we were on the right track.

In life the yellow arrows are not as closely marked – many times they become the Where’s Waldo of modern day. 

How do we feel when we can’t find the arrows? What a huge help that someone came before us and to mark the way! There are so many before me that have lost a child, moved 2,000 miles to reclaim their life, let go of 20+ year marriage, to find more. I draw on the comfort that I might not see their path but I know they are out there. I continue to find myself, to stop dimming the light, to pave a new path. Maybe my arrows will be purple…

Our life is like the Camino. Sometimes we feel lost and frustrated when we can’t find the right away or signs to reassure us. Other times we find solace in knowing we are the path.

What arrows do you follow?

Who or what do you look to in life to point the way?