As I plan my Camino journey I was faced with many decisions –

  • Camino Frances, Camino del Norte, Camino Ingles, Camino Portugues, Camino Primitivo
  • Walk or Cycle
  • Albergues or Hotel
  • Backpacking or Transporting Bags
  • Length
  • Season

I have decided to walk the Camino Portugues – Coastal – Spiritual Variant. I will be walking. I will be staying hotels. I am having a company transport my bags from hotel to hotel. I will be walking for 10 days, approx. 160 miles.

These decisions have heavily influenced my packing. I am not worrying about having to carry everything on my back. YES!

I will be bringing –

  • Quality comfy shoes and socks (I am in love with Smartwool!)
  • Moisture wicking clothing
  • Rain Jacket & Rain Pants
  • Light flip flops for showers
  • Quick dry towel
  • Health Kit: Bandages, Small Sewing Kit, Swiss knife, Bedbug Spray, Compeed, Medication, Lip balm, Pain Cream
  • Sun-protection: Moisturizing suncreen, Sunglasses, Hat
  • Toiletries
  • Plastic Ziploc bags
  • Electronics: Converter/Adapter, Powerbank, Earbuds, iPhone/Camera, Camino App
  • Journal & Writing Prompts
  • Trekking Poles
  • Daypack with water bottle
  • Camino Specifics: Rocks – in honor of loved ones, Shell, Credential (Camino Passport)
  • Ribbons (more about that later)

More important I will be bring all of you along as blog about my adventures!

Buen Camino!