Historically pilgrims would have made the long walk to Santiago de Compostela for religious reasons. Caminoways.com completed a survey of why modern pilgrims walk the Camino. Their responses showed the following:

  • 28.2% – looking for a new challenge
  • 28% – religious or spiritual reasons
  • 17.8% – get away from their daily life and connect with nature
  • 10.8% – health and exercise
  • 4.6% – learn more about culture
  • 1.9% – meet new people
  • 8.7% – other

Why I am walking the Camino?

When I heard about the Camino, I was almost 1 year into my journey without Madeline. I was finding the grief was not subsiding but growing in intensity.

My first thought – I want to walk the Camino for REDEMPTION!

I was overcome with guilt.

Guilt that

  • I did not see how intense her pain was
  • I could not save her
  • I had taken my children away from their childhood home (Illinois) and family
  • I had not been open sooner with others about Madeline’s struggles
  • I had been too hard on her, 
  • etc.

I had let three-headed monster into my mind – Could’ve, Would’ve, Should’ve. (He might have visited you before too!) I thought the Camino would cleanse me from the lies that Could’ve, Would’ve and Should’ve convinced me of.  I was lost.  I wanted to believe that some how walking 160 miles would redeem me, would make me worthy again to be called mom, to be alive. So I made plans that I would walk the Camino as tribute to my 50th birthday in 2019. Two and half years ago that seemed like forever. I was in such bad shape – mentally. I had lost my faith, but not my hope.

And here we are 10 days before I leave. 

I am walking the Camino to show myself just what is possible (new challenge), thank God for the hope (spiritual reason), and reflect on where I go from here!

Buen Camino!